Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Experimented thrills of my long Vacation..!!!!

Its high time I start posting on the miseries,adventures,thrills and fun I had these vacationzz .It all started from May 16th if im right, before which had a terrible time banging my head with books the month of April upto mid may..Studied bit too much i should say, being the last semester wanted to end on a high... Finally amidst all tensions wrote my last paper of college life. Big relief, then came the vacationzz which I was longing for, the month of May just ran away with my buddies, hanging out to movies, beach, birthday parties,watching Wimbledon and so on. Had few Reunion of good old Bhavan,JGVV school friends, meeting most of them after long gap, wat a time i had, 3 get-togethers in all, was total fun chattin with each who ve changed completely settled with software jobs and MS plans... Dint leave any movie tat released, saw rite from tamil to hindi all movies. Learnt driving too in between but need to keep practicing it..

Results too came, phew cleared all papers, turned into Engineer with first class distinction…and within seconds June came, I wanted to do something useful, having wasted the whole May, started putting on my thinking cap and in the process one whole week flew off pondering what to do to keep myself engaged. Became a certified lazy bug, waking up late,hearing FM radio sleeping late chatting long hours in messenger and orkut writing testimonials for all my close buddies.. another week passed off.. Then started my adventures. It all began with Yoga class, seeing me so vetti, doing nothing other than mastering the art of eating,sleeping my parents nor grandparents liked it. Advices poured in from all corners and my poor ears coudn’t bear them. Decided to join Athma Gnana Yoga course which went for 10 days as per Grandpa’s order. Dint have even 1% idea about yoga and without any kinda interest I joined, as days passed realised the value of Yoga and why people do them regularly without fail. It indeed is the cure for all diseases and relished the new experimentation, but the pain my legs suffered horrible, as I had to sit in Vajrasana for 2 solid hours at a streach was worth it. On the 10th day was quite eager to practice all the things I learnt by rising early before sunrise. As usual my lazyness started to loom large and couldn’t open my eyes and all things learnt went rotten. To put off my lazyness aside, decided to join Gym and start Aerobics, my next experiment so that I could wake early. It was another hilarious experiment, which I started to hate, realized Aerobics is all about dancing in a way to shed weight. Tat too became a flop. My vettiness coupled with laziness formed a thick cloud..June started off on a bright note, ended glum as all the activities I tried mastering were diminished by indolent nature and the quest for becoming the Jack of all Trades miserably failed ending up being master of none.!!!!!

July began very much excited as most of my friends got their joining date. Hoping to be employed soon, was preparing myself to Corporate World. But all my dreams got shattered when I realized im not in the July batch. One more month got added to my extended vacationzz.. Dint know what to do.. Most of my friends departed to Bangalore,Hyderabad having got their joining dates, became more lonely in the kingdom of boredom...Finally decided to read books, u ll be amazed on knowing what I read, not the novels, fictions or the magazines. Started reading Science Encyclopedias which where lying in a corner untouched. Time just flew off going through the amazing facts and illustrations..And here im writing blogs the recent venture in killing time. Believe me its gud timepass….!!!!!!!!
Cheers Vijay :-))))

Comments are welcome.......


sugi said...

wow..this blog is too interesting da..well describes abt ur vettines..ur excitement..evrything...keep on writing like diary entry n update ur happiest moments....atleast ova here plzss tell abt ur fun in those 10days yoga class it seems:p....i wish ur parents n grandparents shud paduthufy u like this n join u in another yoga class for 1 month..2sumup this 1 is too too good...nice job man...cya in next blog....ll surely comment abt ur blogs...buhbyeeee

Nitin said...

great blog. u seem to be pissed off coz uhave one more month at home.
hey, imagine my plight, i am joining on oct 22nd. three months...i could take a world tour 10 times!

And how was AGY? i had done it in 1998. Is it taught by Mr TS Narayanan? thats the one i attended.
And abt the vajrasana thing...i just cudnt sit for more than a few milliseconds. i provided for all the melodrama there...u know..the
agony i was going thro' trying to sit brought tears to everyone.
but now i sit quite comfortably for more than 20 mins.

My advice...DO IT. its really good!

i think even the cricketers will not know certain facts abt themselves which u have mentioned in the blog. Great going.

i will try to post some blogs soon. send me more when u finish.

Unknown said...

hi da, the narration of your vacation activities makes me to laugh rather than feeling serious.hey practising yoga is not an easy thing. you should practise continuously da so that our body and mind will be composed.leaving yoga, aerobics, etc almost everyone would have spent their long vacation like the same that you have sum up in this testing times of boredom , this blog is nice da. ok ah

A.N.Pavan Srinivas said...

ahaa ...tats gud da !!!
u have lots of patience da machaan...!!!
itz the most interesting blog ever seen da....!!
do keep adding....!!!

Sriram the explorer said...

dae unmaiya ippadi maraikariye.. nee yoga clas enjoy paniya?? thoongarathu thavira nee vera enna da panna..

Unknown said...

Hi....your blog clearly shows the plight of recruited people who are yet to get DOJ....but good that u made the best use of the time going to yoga,aerobics,gym...n what not...enjoyed with your friends...n even started blogging...

your way of expressing things are good...doesnt seem that u r new to sum up- A good one!!!..keep posting :)

aaa said...

I read ur blog now only.It was downright hilarious !.I was nearly crying with laughter when i read all ur lies abt enjoying yoga and getting up early and all that abt reading encyclopedias .Poor guy all tis boredom will be over soon