Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Experimented thrills of my long Vacation..!!!!

Its high time I start posting on the miseries,adventures,thrills and fun I had these vacationzz .It all started from May 16th if im right, before which had a terrible time banging my head with books the month of April upto mid may..Studied bit too much i should say, being the last semester wanted to end on a high... Finally amidst all tensions wrote my last paper of college life. Big relief, then came the vacationzz which I was longing for, the month of May just ran away with my buddies, hanging out to movies, beach, birthday parties,watching Wimbledon and so on. Had few Reunion of good old Bhavan,JGVV school friends, meeting most of them after long gap, wat a time i had, 3 get-togethers in all, was total fun chattin with each who ve changed completely settled with software jobs and MS plans... Dint leave any movie tat released, saw rite from tamil to hindi all movies. Learnt driving too in between but need to keep practicing it..

Results too came, phew cleared all papers, turned into Engineer with first class distinction…and within seconds June came, I wanted to do something useful, having wasted the whole May, started putting on my thinking cap and in the process one whole week flew off pondering what to do to keep myself engaged. Became a certified lazy bug, waking up late,hearing FM radio sleeping late chatting long hours in messenger and orkut writing testimonials for all my close buddies.. another week passed off.. Then started my adventures. It all began with Yoga class, seeing me so vetti, doing nothing other than mastering the art of eating,sleeping my parents nor grandparents liked it. Advices poured in from all corners and my poor ears coudn’t bear them. Decided to join Athma Gnana Yoga course which went for 10 days as per Grandpa’s order. Dint have even 1% idea about yoga and without any kinda interest I joined, as days passed realised the value of Yoga and why people do them regularly without fail. It indeed is the cure for all diseases and relished the new experimentation, but the pain my legs suffered horrible, as I had to sit in Vajrasana for 2 solid hours at a streach was worth it. On the 10th day was quite eager to practice all the things I learnt by rising early before sunrise. As usual my lazyness started to loom large and couldn’t open my eyes and all things learnt went rotten. To put off my lazyness aside, decided to join Gym and start Aerobics, my next experiment so that I could wake early. It was another hilarious experiment, which I started to hate, realized Aerobics is all about dancing in a way to shed weight. Tat too became a flop. My vettiness coupled with laziness formed a thick cloud..June started off on a bright note, ended glum as all the activities I tried mastering were diminished by indolent nature and the quest for becoming the Jack of all Trades miserably failed ending up being master of none.!!!!!

July began very much excited as most of my friends got their joining date. Hoping to be employed soon, was preparing myself to Corporate World. But all my dreams got shattered when I realized im not in the July batch. One more month got added to my extended vacationzz.. Dint know what to do.. Most of my friends departed to Bangalore,Hyderabad having got their joining dates, became more lonely in the kingdom of boredom...Finally decided to read books, u ll be amazed on knowing what I read, not the novels, fictions or the magazines. Started reading Science Encyclopedias which where lying in a corner untouched. Time just flew off going through the amazing facts and illustrations..And here im writing blogs the recent venture in killing time. Believe me its gud timepass….!!!!!!!!
Cheers Vijay :-))))

Comments are welcome.......

Monday, July 23, 2007

My World XI Team...

Well I would like to kick start my blog with my favorite sport Cricket.. Wanted to form a team with players who have tormented the opponents and finished the game in their own style winning hearts of million cricket crazy fans all over the World .For any team to be successful the openers play a vital role in laying a solid platform from where the middle order can continue and Allrounders igniting at the end. Bowlers too need to play their part. At times when the top order crumbles it’s the bowlers who need to hang around and play the entire quota of overs. And when it comes to fielding, everyone plays a crucial role saving as many runs possible the team needs to have some partime bowlers who can click when the main bowlers are out of form and getting blasted. And i ve made an attempt building up the best team with 11 top players of the present.

Sachin Tendulkar

He s the opener who has every shot in the textbook, gives the team a perfect start. A true master of the game for 18 long years, his records are no bound. He can tear any attack in the world and turn into bowler's nightmare. His wicket stays the biggest prize for any bowler to cherish. His committment towards the game is amazing. Opens the innings, plays a pivotal role, anchoring the innings, gives his never ending thirst in the field saving every possible run, bowls his heart out with superb legbreaks. Always keeps the team alive,cheering all the players. Wherever he goes the kinda respect he gets from the crowd and players stupefying.

Adam Gilchrist

Most devastative opener, whose batting style has exemplified the scoring rate faster. Gilly has a excellent strike rate in excess of 90, who can blast his way through with fours and sixes flying to all parts of the groung.The longer he stays, more the opponents get rattled. A great keeper who pounces on to every possible catch leaving none grassed to the ground. He s the only player in Aussie camp who i respect to a great extent.. True gentleman of cricket whose honesty is appreciated worldwide. Never waits for the umpire to give him out, walks once he s out. One of the rare gems of modern day cricket with explosive batting coupled with brilliance behind the stumps.

Ricky Ponting

Archetypal modern day cricketer whose maturity and aggression have improved a lot. Known as "Punter" is well known for his quality fielding and the stunners he take pulls the crowd attention. Once he hits the ball it stays hit and boudary is the destination.. Many ve sailed into roofs struck from the sweet part of willow. Kinda middle order batsman who can stick when the openers fail to score.Captain of my side with lotsa tactics in his baggy, leads from the front and a spirited player.

Brian Lara

The King of Trinidad, a born wizard of style, each of his shots, the cuts, drives, woww awesome..!!!! A typical left hander driven by intelligence who once scores a ton doesnt give up, keeps goin nd goin makes it a hugee one till the bowlers get exhausted. Evident from the 400 and 500 he scored in an innings.The one man army of Windies.Lara and Sachin wat a pair they form. Mortals of test cricket and keeps the statistician busy all day long, as every shot hits the record books and a book is not merely enough to publish them. Mentally strong capable of taking on any bowling attack in the World.

Kevin Pieterson

South African born England destructor is the revelation of present cricket. This man is capable of tormenting spinners to pace bowlers, typical middle order pocket dynamo who can accelerate the scoreboard anytime of the innings.Be it a small ground or a big australian ground, he makes the bowlers pay for each shot he plays. Awesome technique and style. Bats at no.5, stays at the crease till the end and gives the finishing touch to the game. Known for his smart handsome looks has his own style of terminating games.

Yousuf Youhana

Mohammed Yousuf earlier known as Yousuf Youhana is great middle order batsman with sound technique who rotates the strike regularly, settles and finally attacks. Once he gets the start he s unstoppable and runs just keep flowing. Sweet timer of the ball worth watching. He makes sure the team is safe with a decent total for the bowlers to attack. If you dont keep him calm he ll turn into one storm hard to stop. He along with Inzy crushed the toughest of opponents. Yousuf excels at both versions of the game and esp. in one day scores 20-30 runs before anyone notices.

Andrew Flintoff

One of the best Allrounders of modern cricket, who clicks with bat ball nd fielding. They are the key players of any team who can help out the teams cause.. Freddie the tall and built man is England's next Bothom,who mesmerises batting,bowling in a charismatic style. A player whoz exciting to watch on and off the field. Bowls economical,bats aggressively, fields electrifyin ultimate allrounders of all time.Has loadsa potentials to turn the game around. When top order fails he clicks, when bowlers are blasted he fires. To sum up perfect cricketer born extraordinary in every field of cricket.

Shaun Pollock

Emerging from a great family of cricketers, An allrounder who started his career as a bowler and emerged with batting cameos making him exceptional player. A terrific bowler whose line and length locks the batsman who plays all over.. What a bowler he is...!!! Never gets off the basics, strikes gold in the hour of need, and economincal too.. A man whoz capable of gelling the lower order wen it comes to batting, and can propel the score rate at ending stages... Can change the game totally when he is in the centre.Amazing fielder who was once the captain, then sacked for World cup miseries and still playing, playing with vigour and quest for improvement...

Muttiah Muralitharan

Most successful bowlers of the game, the thirst for wickets never end so are his records..Amidst a lot of controversies looming large, he went to Perth got his action corrected and continued bowling big offbreaks and his wicket streak continued.. Thanks to rapid progress in technology, salvaging the reputation he has got... Main weapon for murali being his Dhoosra, and one one which goes straight which no one can read,credits for bulk of his wickets. What a wrist he has got, so flexible, turns on any wicket large degree making people perplexed..So humble and modest, he deserves the spinners place in my squad...!!!!!

Shane Bond

Kiwi sensation who has brought in new fresh air to pace department. One of the fastest bowlers who can swing the ball with amazing accuracy. Esp. spells he bowled against the Mighty Aussies, wickets fall like nine pins, when he s bowling..awesome.... Though his carrer has been blacked by injuries, he has impressed the entire Cricket world by his swift accuracy of pace bowling. He is the 007 of present bowlers. Known for his inswinging yorkers that rattle the three stumps, almost all the batsman respect his deliveries.

Glenn McGrath

Absolute legend who has shown a paceman doesnt need to be flashy to become greatest of all time. His line and length impeccable always striking fear into the opponents. A role model for pace bowling. Pigeon his nickname, bowls with complete perfection, not even erring by 1%... McGrath along with Warne form deadly pair to any opposition.. He takes his batting too very seriously, doesn't like getting out. Gentlemen of cricket whose career has lots to be cherished by cricketing World....!!!

And finally my team has been formed, with all top players, rite from tormenting openers to solid middle order batsman, allrounders, bowlers who ve demolished teams... It should be a well balanced team... And people reading it plzz post your comments :-)